Thursday, July 19, 2018

Be Ready For Liposuction - Filter Out Which Lipo Procedure Is Best For You

Everyone's got some extra rolls and bulges which they long to get rid of. The FAQs about your extra fittings and probably you are out of shape body may make you crave for that goddess-like physique. Exercises and strict diet plans may fail to live up to your expectations. Now, if you are thinking of a cosmetic procedure, you will probably be thinking of liposuction.

A plastic surgeon performs this procedure to slim and reshapes specific areas of the body removing the excess fat.

Now accentuate those body curves of yours with the help of Ojas aesthetic, Hyderabad. The best cosmetic surgical help available!

Whether it's invasive or noninvasive, with a variety of procedures to choose from lipo is becoming a huge hit nationwide.



The fat is sucked out from under the skin with the help of a cannula and some physical manipulation (duration time 1-1.5 hours). Since a general anesthesia is administered you will be unconscious during the whole scenario.
All liposuctions come under suction-assisted lipectomy (SAL)—the removal of fat from the body with the help of some form of suction.
Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL) technique makes use of a solid probe which has a longitudinal oscillating device inside a tube (moving back and forth) to facilitate fat removal. The procedure ensures better results and less time is needed for operation.



Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL):
A laser is used to produce heat to help melt the fat which is then removed using a suction pump ( as in SlimLipo, SmartLipo etc).

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) or lipoplasty:
The technique liquifies fat by raising the tissue temperature using low-frequency ultrasound waves on targeted areas.
Pulsed Ultrasonic Lipo (cycled ultrasounds) and VASER Lipo (vibration energy) are the new generation advances in the field of U-lipo.

Also known as “cool sculpting” is a noninvasive procedure which employs controlled cooling techniques at targeted areas. Hence causing death (necrosis) of fat cells under the subcutaneous layer which is then sucked out using a cannula.

Radiofrequency Treatment:
An alternative flow of radiofrequency waves is employed on the targeted areas.
Why opt for it?
This technique is quick, convenient and painless.



  • Traditional techniques(surgical) concentrate on the removal of bulk fat from the body thus does not differentiate between the 3 layers (Superficial, Intermediate and Deep).
  • Newer techniques sought to more delicate and precise tools in order to target fat from these layers.
  • In case of modern techniques like laser lipo, the fat is either liquified or bloated prior to its removal using a cannula. These techniques are less painful compared to the traditional kind.
  • Traditional techniques are generally reserved for people with firm skin to reduce the risk of sagging afterward.
  • Traditional lipo is characterized by days and weeks of downtime while the latter requires only a few days or less.



Most people who’ve undergone lipo are satisfied with the end results of the surgery. You will begin to receive compliments about the shape you're acquiring after the first couple of weeks after the surgery. Improvement in shape will be more visible from 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. A healthy lifestyle goes hand in hand with liposuction, this body contouring procedure can be a grace saver and a confidence booster for you. 

It all comes to the surgeon's expertise than the technology as far as the results are concerned. Searching for the best cosmetic surgery clinic in India for the best liposuction in Hyderabad? Look no further! Ojas aesthetic, Hyderabad, is the obvious choice! You can get the best liposuction surgery in Hyderabad from us. Our artistic eye and attention to detail ensure natural-looking results.
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